Autumn exhibition season in Moscow – to be!


Following the Moscow Region, on the territory of which, according to the governor's decree, congress and exhibition events have been permitted since August 1, temporary restrictions on holding exhibitions and conferences in Moscow are lifted.

Autumn exhibition season in Moscow – to be!

The corresponding decree was signed yesterday, September 3, by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Exhibitions and conferences have been allowed to be held in the capital as early as September 4, subject to mandatory compliance with the requirements established by the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing.

The first exhibitions in compliance with the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor are already being held both in the Moscow region at the Crocus Expo IEC and in other regions of Russia, for example, in St. Petersburg. The exhibition grounds, together with the organizers of the exhibitions, work in close contact to ensure the safety of visitors and event participants and provide them with a comfortable environment for restoring business contacts and establishing new business ties.

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