At April 11, 2019 in Schelkovo, Moscow region, on the site of one of the basic enterprises of the RPSA - JSC "ENA", held a scientific and practical seminar that gathered about 70 participants from enterprises - consumers and manufacturers of pumps, scientific, commercial and service companies, technical universities.
The organizers of PCVExpo took an active part in the business program of the event.
The workshop was attended by Gazprom Neft PJSC, Giprotruboprovod Scientific Research Institute JSC, NOVATEK PJSC, HMS Group of Companies, Transneft Oil Pumps JSC, Vilo Rus LLC, KSB LLC, Volgogradneftemash JSC, Turbone Pump JSC ", JSC" Gidrogaz ", LLC" Eagle Burgmann ", MSTU. N.E. Bauman and others, in total at the seminar were representatives of 33 enterprises.
The interest of participants in these issues is understandable, because The volume of oil and gas in the global economy, despite the search for alternative and renewable energy sources and the energy saving program, is constantly increasing and, according to experts, this trend will continue in the foreseeable future. In this regard, there are new requirements for equipment for the extraction, transportation and processing of oil and gas. This is of particular importance for Russia, where this sector of the economy is basic both in the structure of exports and in filling the country's budget.
The speakers at the seminar raised the most pressing issues that, in their opinion, impede the development of production and promotion in the market. For example, representatives of the largest Russian company - HMS Group of Companies - Mikhailichenko A.L. and Buzin A.The. talked about the problems associated with the technical requirements of customers and designers to pumps for technological installations of the oil and gas industry and the design of pumps in accordance with GOST 32601 / API 610. Representative of KSB LLC Dragoman V.S. spoke about the practical methods of improving the reliability and profitability in the operation of centrifugal pumps in the oil and gas industry. About the tools of automated optimization for solving the problems of designing centrifugal pumps was reported by the representative of the company “Ideal PLM SIES” LLC Kuleshova MS.
Questions and answers, discussions and debates on major issues lead us to the need to get answers to the main questions: firstly, what is the cause of the existing problems, secondly, what is the state of today and, thirdly, what should be the strategy and tactics to improve the situation. Of course, we are primarily interested in scientific, technical and technological factors of production and operation of pumping equipment, but analysis shows that global geopolitics plays an important role.
As it is known, oil, which began to be mined and used on an industrial scale about two hundred years ago, and gas - a hundred years later, became the basis for the development of technical progress. Thanks to these energy sources, automotive and aviation, shipbuilding and energy, chemistry, utilities, rocket and space technology, new types of weapons and much more have emerged and developed. The presence of this resource in the country largely determined the power and might of a particular state. Before the Second World War, if we consider the issues of oil extraction and refining, a multi-polar system formed in the world: Western Europe, including Romania and Hungary; Great Britain and France with Asian and African colonies; USA with Texas, Alaska and South American satellites.
The Second World War swept not only in Europe, but also in Asia and Africa, including with the aim of conquering oil markets. After unsuccessful attempts to seize Moscow, Leningrad and other strongholds of the Eastern Front, fascist Germany abandoned its military forces in the Caucasus in order to cut off the Red Army and the country as a whole from the most important resource - oil. The defeat that the German troops suffered during this operation, largely predetermined the further course of the war. After the Second World War, as is known, the world community was divided into two camps: the western led by the United States and the socialist led by the USSR.
Arguing about the geopolitical role of oil, one should pay tribute to the policies of the United States, which actively developed the oil industry. In 1919, the US oil companies created the American Petroleum Institute (API), which still regulates the relationship between companies and the state in matters related to the production, transportation, storage and processing of oil and the production of the necessary equipment for this. Intellectual, including technically, but fragmented and weakened by the war, Europe could not make a serious competition in the world market. That is how the American oil expansion of the Western market took place, which to this day works according to API standards.
Inhuman efforts the USSR restored and rebuilt its economy, working on the mobilization principles of management. In the oil and gas industry, the old fields were modernized, and new ones were discovered - in Western Siberia and the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; oil and gas pipelines were laid in the CMEA countries and Western Europe, oil supplies to the countries of Soviet influence were established. And all this - from mining and transportation to processing - was carried out by domestic equipment manufactured according to GOST.
The stable two-polar system on the world oil and gas market persisted until 1991. Without going into the reasons for the collapse of the USSR and the socialist camp, we note that the losses suffered by the country during this period surpassed the losses in the Great Patriotic War. Deprived of the centralized management of the State Planning Committee, Gossnab, ministries, industry science, scattered throughout the newly independent states, enterprises stopped. Imports of pumping equipment in Russia increased from 4% to 50%, production volumes by 1995 fell by 75%. Western expansion, based on American API standards, has penetrated into the strategically important sector of the Russian economy - oil and gas. Russian oil and gas companies are happy to buy complete western equipment for dollars from the sale of oil and gas.
Domestic manufacturers of oil and gas equipment, including pumps, were left to their own devices. Not having the opportunity to participate in tenders for the requirements of API standards, they focused on the supply of equipment for the repair and the completion of construction of the Soviet-era facilities according to domestic GOST standards, which turned out to be very significant and, in turn, made it difficult to promote Western expansion in this area.
A similar situation exists in the countries of the former CMEA and the new CIS. The introduction of ISO as basic API standards into the ISO allowed the United States to ideologically monopolize the world oil market, as well as the financial one, with the dollar.
However, "nothing lasts forever." At the end of the 20th century, in contrast to the United States, the European Union and its new currency, the euro, appeared; China, India, Brazil, Indonesia were impressed with their high growth rates. Russia, as it was more than once in its history, raised the economy from the ruins and claimed the right to its sovereign place in the world. Thus, a multipolar system is being formed again, in which the United States already accounts for only 16% of global GDP. In order to maintain its monopoly, the United States exerts all kinds of pressure on its main competitors: China, the EU, and Russia, including using sanction methods. In response, Russia is changing its economic policy, reducing the import of Western equipment and launching a program of import substitution and localization of production in Russia.
How do things stand today in the pump industry of our country and in the sector of oil pumps, in particular? Russian pump engineering had to go through a difficult path of reforming and technical re-equipment, and now, as in Soviet times, it is a self-sufficient industry with a share of domestic products equal to 70%, which is one of the best indicators for mechanical engineering, while taking an active part in international industry structures such as Europump and ISO.
Let us dwell on the oil and gas sector, which, in fact, was devoted to our seminar.
Pumping installations for oil production are produced almost exclusively by Russian companies: PC Borets LLC, Alnas LLC, Almaz LLC, Novomet Group of Companies, and meet customer requirements in terms of production and quality.
The requirements of the Russian market for equipment for the transportation of oil are also almost completely met by domestic producers. The production of pumps for oil transportation, created by the HMS Group of Companies, was transferred by it from Ukraine to the base Russian enterprise JSC GMS Livgidromash. In order to ensure its own needs for the transportation of oil, Transneft PJSC, together with the Italian side, organized the Transneft Oil Pumps JSC in Chelyabinsk. In accordance with its production capabilities, part of the products for this market segment is created by Turbonasos JSC, located in Voronezh.
The situation is worse with the production of pumps for oil refining. Unlike equipment for the first two areas, which is practically a complete, independent object, pumps for oil refining are an auxiliary element of the oil refining industry, which complicates their penetration into the complete supply, as a result, along with traditional Russian suppliers - OAO Volgogradneftemash, OAO "ENA", OJSC "Bobruisk Machine-Building Plant", a certain proportion are pumps of foreign production. However, it should be noted that due to the localization of production in Russia, for example, by the KSB company, this imbalance will be eliminated.
The most difficult, as it seems to us, situation is currently developing with the creation of domestic pumps for liquefied natural gas (LNG). The imported equipment, lack of own experience and the lack of representatives of the head company of this direction at this seminar, JSC “Afrikantov OKBM”, do not allow us to say anything definite.
Having heard the presentations made at the seminar, and having discussed and interpreted these reports, several judgments can be made:
Despite the emerging multipolarity of the modern world, the monopoly of the American API standards in the oil sector, like the dollar in the financial world, will continue in the foreseeable period of time, and the destruction of this monopoly will occur at a slow pace and with great complications.
In order for Russian standards to work successfully on both the domestic and global oil markets, they must be harmonized with API standards, but taking into account the requirements of Russian technical regulation.
To obtain quality standards for equipment, their development must be carried out in specialized technical committees.
Certification of equipment for compliance with the requirements of a specific, common to all standard should be carried out independently, not corporately by the customer.
In Russia, as in a country with a developed market economy, today standards should be developed by manufacturers of the product, at their own expense, in consultation with the consumer, with state control over the observance of interests both in the domestic and foreign markets.
In the direction of solving these problems, a representative of PJSC Gazprom Neft proposed to create the International Institute of Oil and Gas (MING) in the Russian Federation by analogy with the American API. In general, the initiative was supported, but caused a few comments:
first, you should thoroughly study the API's 100 years of experience in order to take all the best, discarding the shortcomings;
secondly, to achieve agreement of large, influential, first of all, oil and gas companies on participation in this work;
thirdly, given the importance of the organization of MING and the difficulties that may arise, it seems that participation in the creation of MING RSPP and the RF CCI may not be enough; Perhaps, it is necessary to address to the state supervision at the level of the vice-premier of the government.
In general, taking into account these comments, the proposal has become consolidating and opening up a fundamentally new way to solving problems in this area of the economy.
The seminar, from our point of view, was extremely effective and once again showed how important it is to participate in such events. We are confident that our subsequent events will be useful and will give a new impetus to the development of your business.
Vladimir Karakhanyan - Honorary President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Member of the Executive Committee of Europump, Honored Machine Builder of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
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